Beretta 85 Replica
Beretta 92 2 Replicas
Beretta 950 Replicas
Blunderbuss Replica
Browning Replica
Derringer Replicas
Colt 1911 Replicas
Desert Eagle Replica
Dueling Pistol Replica
Dueling Pistol Replicas - Set 1
Dueling Pistol Replicas - Set 2
Eagle Head Flint Lock Replica
Flintlock Pistol Replica
Glock Replica
Kentucky Pistol Replica
Luger and Mauser Replicas
Percussion Replica
Pirate Boarding Blunderbuss Replica
PPK Replicas
Walther P99 Replica
Important Legal Information
Replica firearms (firing and non- firing) and non-firearm weapons:
Possession of firearms, replica firearms, edged weapons over five inches and most other imitation weapons are illegal in NYC except for Theatrical purposes. As a properly licensed company, a valid invoice/packing list from J&M Special Effects is proof of legal possession for a theatrical, film or photographic purpose.